My trusty companion of 20 years is ill. His kidneys are failing, the vet has given him a month to live. He has been with me since 1999. Through good, bad and ugly times he has been a constant in my life. So used to having him around, his presence was taken for granted. It took a while to notice he stopped eating, and became so thin he could barely stand.
There are no words to describe the guilt, pain, and anguish felt when I realized he was sick. Regrets and what-ifs continue surfacing in my thoughts. Wishing I could go back and perhaps do something sooner to change the outcome. No tears, anger or making deals with my higher power will prevent the inevitable. Knowing this I do what I can to ease his discomfort.
Administering water shots under the skin to prevent dehydration, buying a variety of canned cat foods so he will eat has helped him gain weight. While nightly praying he is not experiencing pain, I have accepted soon my beautiful boy will join his mother and brother in the afterlife. I shall miss him terribly, but will be grateful there is no more suffering.
There are no words to describe the guilt, pain, and anguish felt when I realized he was sick. Regrets and what-ifs continue surfacing in my thoughts. Wishing I could go back and perhaps do something sooner to change the outcome. No tears, anger or making deals with my higher power will prevent the inevitable. Knowing this I do what I can to ease his discomfort.
Administering water shots under the skin to prevent dehydration, buying a variety of canned cat foods so he will eat has helped him gain weight. While nightly praying he is not experiencing pain, I have accepted soon my beautiful boy will join his mother and brother in the afterlife. I shall miss him terribly, but will be grateful there is no more suffering.